Thursday, August 6, 2009

Origins- Origenes

Emma y Hommer

I've found a couple of old pictures and scanned it so I could share with you.First It's a picture of me 14 years younger with or first bitch Cris (Moines de itcheboren) our Second bitch Carmen (Thersadama Endless Dream) and our First Dog out of our first Litter with Cris, Chicho (Ch Dugar the Baladrar Blacktop) when he was just a puppy.Second is my Brother Borja with our third litter out of Hommer (CH. Eu. Joven. Drakensberg Dugar de Baladar) and Emma (Dugar de Baladrar Dark Witchcraft) and to me defines very well the pasion he has for the breed..

I wanted to talk about the old ladys both have passed away long time ago.

Cris was our first stafford. She had an accident and from then her head had a side bigger than the other. She was only shown once in a big show and she did very well, it was in the Spanish SBT club show under Les Aspin (scarthwaite) and she was Exc. 4th in avery strong open class. Sh e had two litters first she was mated with Ch. Makeready Dugar and had 4 males (no females) three of them went on to gain their Spanish Ch. and one these was European Champion too. The second Litter was with Brindle king of Bilbao a grand son of Ch. Constones yer man. She got two males and finally a female, Itcheboren First Lady who thanks God we got to mate with Makeready Dugar again and we got Itcheboren Dugar's Lass Our best brood bitch to date.
She was a perfect companion always ready to play but very calm and caring with kids and older. She was so smart that some times she seemed to be a person and she liked to come with me (no leash) to the local football games and she will sit still the 90 minutes... well once she jumped on to the field... and chase the ball.. but she was forgiven by the spectators everyone loved her..
she died of cancer at age of 13 We will remember her forever...

Now Carmen, she was a bomb, a rocket... she was fast, athletic, hyperactive... well you got the picture.. she was undersized no one could explain it because in her breeding were no undersized dogs.. his father was very temperamental so her temp was no surprise. She was obsessed with chasing stones and biting rows, she could hang from a row for 30 minutes( seriously). She refused to be mated and she would bite her mate for hours before being humiliated so we had to inseminated her. We used our Champion DDB Sultan Of swing and we got a boy and a girl and you can see her grand grand daughter itcheboren Last Thyme. She died in an accident when she was old. RIP.

they all, including the puppies in the second picture, were our origins and we will always be proud of all of them.

Hola amigos encontre estas viejas fotos y la escanee para compartirlas con vosotros pues me traen muchos recuerdos.. En la primera estan nuestra primera perra Cris ( Moines de itcheboren) su hijo Chicho (Ch D.D.B. Black top) y nuestra segunda perra Carmen (thersadama Endless Dream)... y claro yo con 14 años menos y tambien algunos kilos menos...como pasa el tiempo...
En la segunda esta borja con la tercera camada hijos de Hommer (CH. Eu. Joven. Drakensberg Dugar de Baladar) y Emma (Dugar de Baladrar Dark Witchcraft) y para mi define la pasion  de mi hermano por la raza.

Me gustaria contaros algo de nuestras dos perritas.

Cris fue nuestro primer stafford, cuando era cachorra se dio un golpe en la cabeza y desde entonces un lado era mas abultado que el otro los veterinarios no se aclaraban si era un bulto de un lado o un hundimiento del otro. La sacamos muy poco a las expos pero fue a una monografica con el juez Less Aspin (Scarthwaite) de UK y quedo excelente 4 en una clase abierta creo recordar con 9 hembras. Cris tuvo 2 camadas la primera fue con Makeready Dugar y salieron 4 tremendos cachorros tres de ellos fueron campeones de Espana e incluso uno de ellos de europa, El cuarto que no era el peor, no fue sacado a exposiciones. la segunda camada fue con Brindle king Of Bilbao, un muy buen nieto de Ch. Constones Yer Man (El papa de dugar) de ahi conseguimos 2 machos y por fin!! una hembra, First Lady de itcheboren que Gracias a Dios pudimos cruzar con Makeready Dugar y de ahi salir en mi opinion nuestra mejor perra de cria hasta la fecha Itcheboren Dugar's Lass. CRis era un perra super carinosa en inteligente siempre se comportaba muy bien con lis ninos y las personas mayores. Ella salia a pasear sin correa y me acompanaba al futbol en el campo local, se quedaba sentada los 90 minutos siguiendo con la vista el balon claro que un dia salto al campo.. ante la risa del publico .. todos la perdonaron por que era muy querida.
Murio de cancer a los 13 anos, Siempre la recordaremos.

Carmen era distinta, una bomba, un misil, rapida atletica vamos ya os imaginais. Era muy chiquitita y nadie se explicaba pues sus antepasados no eran asi.. su papa tenia mucho caracter y si eso no fue una sorpresa. Tenia obsesion con perseguir piedras y morder cuerdas, se podia quedar colgada mas de 30 minutos ( de verdad). Solo la cruzamos una vez con el hijo de cris CH. DDB Sultan Of swing y salio un macho blanco y una hembra... bueno hoy en dia podeis ver a su bisnieta Itcheboren Last Thyme. Carmen creo recordar que murio a la edad de 9 anos de un accidente. descanse en Paz.. bueno si es que puede quedarse quieta alla arriba.

todos ellos incluidos los cachorrillos de la segunda foto,fueron nuestro origen y seguiran siendo nuestro orgullo...
