Monday, September 28, 2009

Ch. Itcheboren Yuma

We are very proud to announce the new Portugal Champion Itcheboren Yuma. She has gained her title this weekend after winning her last CAC at the Arcos de Valdevez National dog show. We want to congratulate and Give thanks to her Owners Omar and Maria. Also thanks to Nacho Carballido her Handler for an amazing job... Well Done!!

Estamos muy orgullosos de anunciar que Yuma ha completado el campeonato de portugal al obtener el Cac en la Nacional de Arcos de Valdevez. Muchas felicidades y muchas Gracias por su ayuda para sus duenos Omar y maria. Tambien agradecer a su handler Nacho Carballido por su gran profesionalidad.

Ch. Itcheboren Yuma

Itcheboren Yuma

Itcheboren Yuma

Itcheboren Yuma

Itcheboren Yuma

Itcheboren Yuma

Itcheboren Yuma

Itcheboren Yuma

Itcheboren Yuma

Ch. Itcheboren Yuma

Itcheboren Yuma

Te queremos Yumita!!!!! Felicidades!!!